Because the world is not flat

Eiffel Tower Popup Card

One wedding invitation that became quite a challenge for us was this Eiffel Tower Popup Card. Our client came to us with the idea of having a fully 3D scale of the Eiffel Tower since it was an important and memorable location for the couple.

A 90 degree Eiffel Tower Popup card would have been easier but would not have as much effect as the full 3D Eiffel tower design. What makes the Eiffel Tower wedding invite difficult is on choosing how to properly scale down the design and carefully choosing which areas can be “cut” while having some areas stand as a printed section. The actual 3D Eiffel Tower in the center of the wecding invite is actually made of more that 10 small components which needs to be properly placed and aligned for the two ends to meet.

This Popup Wedding Invite had taken a little longer to design as compared to most of our cards and longer to deliver as it needed to be shipped abroad, though i’m pleased to note that our client loved it and so did the people she gave it too 🙂 Another work completed by Pop Up Occasions!

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Client Recommendations

"The invites arrived today and they r ----------> Amazing
I'm very impressed with ur work and service
You were fantastic and great to deal with
We appreciate all ur help
And thank you greatly"
Marian & Chris, Australia

"Opened your invites today. Superb indeed, very beautiful it exceeded our expectation;-) in fact, excited to give them out! Can't wait for relatives and friends to open and get awed by your marvelous creativity...I will definitely refer you and put good words of mouth for Pop Up Occasions."
Jean, Philippines

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