Because the world is not flat

3D Popup Cards for Corporate Events

synergencorp invite primercorp invite sykes 1globeTVAP3D Popup Cards for Corporate Events

With today’s highly competitive marketing world, everyone is vying for everyone’s attention regarding new products, services or latest company news and developments. Ad or PR firms and event coordinators are constantly challenged to come out with unique come-ons to catch the attention of and persuade the elusive high profile executives to attend corporate events like new product offerings and launches.

There is no assurance that an invitation card would lure the invitees to the company event. We need to spice up the water to attract the horse to drink. One way to pique the minds of our target audience is to give them unique invitation cards. For busy executives or secretaries, flat invitations in plain looking envelopes are immediately doomed for disposal.

The offers customized invitation cards in 3D format that give your message an attractive, even interactive and solid look and feel. From the outside envelope, the recipient can discern a bit of bulkiness and wonders what could be the content. Once the envelope is opened, the first hurdle is now surmounted and the threat of forever lost in the trash bin of history is gone. The curiosity and speculation continue when the invitation card is opened, and the 3D of whatever the company wants to display or highlight pops up.

The in several occasions has come up with unique invitation card designs with 3D pop ups to commemorate company events and promotions. Lately TVs come with 3D versions as innovations over the flat TVs. The same can be said with the 3D popup invitation cards. Why stay flat when normal is 3D.

Client Recommendations

"The invites arrived today and they r ----------> Amazing
I'm very impressed with ur work and service
You were fantastic and great to deal with
We appreciate all ur help
And thank you greatly"
Marian & Chris, Australia

"Opened your invites today. Superb indeed, very beautiful it exceeded our expectation;-) in fact, excited to give them out! Can't wait for relatives and friends to open and get awed by your marvelous creativity...I will definitely refer you and put good words of mouth for Pop Up Occasions."
Jean, Philippines

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